
Reverse Osmosis Waste Water Recycling - East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Rachael Ward
Rachael Ward • 1 February 2011

Key learning point: Recycling waste concentrate water from hospital’s renal unit offers significant water, carbon, and financial savings

Setting/Patient Group: Renal Unit, Lister Hospital

Issue to be addressed: Water wastage


Intervention: Waste concentrate water from the reverse osmosis unit is now recycled into the main soft water storage break tanks that serve the main hospital sites hot water requirements




-        Not documented



-        3,145,000 litres of water saved annually

-        3311kgCO2e saved annually



-        £6,300 saved annually from water saving

-        Installation cost to recycle the RO water was approximately £6,000, so estimated pay back for this scheme was less than 12 months.



Resource author(s)
Robert Jones, Property Services Manager, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publication date
February 2011

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