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This review looks at how a 20-year-old male grew Rhodotorula muciliginosa (fungal infection) from his peritoneal dialysis fluid on three separate occasions. Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis…
Created on
3 Jul 2023 •
Victoria Jane Carnall, Stephanie Murdock, Cressida Auckland, Christopher J Mulgrew.
*Please note: this article is behind a paywall*
Abstract:Current dialysis technologies require vast quantities of pure water; however, water is a finite resource and water scarcity is increasing…
High-technology medicine saves lives and produces waste; this is the case of dialysis. The increasing amounts of waste products can be biologically dangerous in different ways: some…
This article by CSH's Sustainable Surgery Fellow, Chantelle Rizan, and co-authors, providesgreenhouse gas emission factors for the different healthcare waste streams in the…
Background: Health-care services are necessary for sustaining and improving human wellbeing, yet they have an environmental footprint that contributes to environment-related threats to human health.…
This is a recording of the AHP Sustainability webinar from June 18th 2020, part of theNational Allied Health Professions fornightly webinar series.
This webinarincluded exploration of the AHP role…
John Agar and Katherine Barraclough have produced a fantastic review looking at the impacts of environmental change on kidney health as well asthe environmental damage caused bykidney services…
This toolkit gives you everything you need for a 1 minute, 5 minute and even more minute conversation, complete with step-by-step guides, behavioural change insights and all the evidence to back it…