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Abstract:Current dialysis technologies require vast quantities of pure water; however, water is a finite resource and water scarcity is increasing…
High-technology medicine saves lives and produces waste; this is the case of dialysis. The increasing amounts of waste products can be biologically dangerous in different ways: some…
A panel of experts explore environmental sustainability issues in anaesthesia practice and discuss the opportunities for research and innovation, such as collaborating with non-medical researchers,…
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125 (5): 680e692 (2020)
Forbes McGain, Jane Muret, Cathy Lawson and Jodi D. Sherman
Key points:
The scientific foundation for environmental sustainability in…
SusQI project completed as part of The 2020 Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Green Ward Competition.
Project Aim: To reduce the waste of linen and consumables in the ICU.
John Agar and Katherine Barraclough have produced a fantastic review looking at the impacts of environmental change on kidney health as well asthe environmental damage caused bykidney services…