CASCADES (Creating a Sustainable Canadian Health System in a Climate Crisis) have published the Sustainable Occupational Therapy playbook, which is available here.
This playbook provides background…
Does anyone have experience they can share in this remit? Looking at reducing our 'routine' blood testing for critical care patients, including daily CRP, Amylase, Coagulation Screens etc.
Thanks in…
Thursday 29th Feb 12-1pm
Palliative Care Sustainability Network: codesigning a Palliative Care Sustainability Framework
Teams details below.
We'll start by hearing from the GreenerED team…
Critical Care Susnet Networking event
8 Feb 2024 2pm-3pm
Registration here
Theme - critical care sustainability fellowships.
Rhea Conn, Imogen Stringer and James Dalton will share…
Critical Care Susnet session postponed to 8 Feb
The Critical Care Sunset session on the theme of sustainability fellowships will now take place on 8 Feb 2024 2pm-3pm. The registration Zoom link…
Hi all,
Please use the Doodle Poll to select your available dates for an all-co-leads meeting.
This meeting would be a good time to hear a quick…
Critical Care Susnet events
It's not too late to register for the Gloves Off in Critical Care webinar on 12 Dec or the next two Critical Care Susnet events (all free online, 2pm-3pm):
A friendly reminder if you plan on running a network event in December and would like CSH support, please complete the request form by Sunday 19 November and no later! Request help supporting your…
CSH are running a morning of facilitator training for anyone who would like to brush up on their skills in facilitating events. This will be useful if you are new to running regular networking events,…
Hi all,
I have a request by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, for recommendations of children's/ easy-read 'healthy recipe books' for students at their Care Farms. The students are aged 5-19 yrs. I…