Hi all,
We are working on a project to reduce the environmental impact of the Head and neck radiotherapy pathway at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre and have created a Patient experience survey to gather…
Hi all,
We’re considering a project investigating whether increased knowledge and awareness of sustainability for ward hosts may help us to increase uptake of plant based meals, reduce uptake of…
CASCADES (Creating a Sustainable Canadian Health System in a Climate Crisis) have published the Sustainable Occupational Therapy playbook, which is available here.
This playbook provides background…
This is related to next Tuesday's network event. A powerful webinar…
Just a reminder that this will go ahead next week.
27 February 2024 12:00 (GMT)
Engaging with ‘less affluent’…
Hi all,
I am looking into creating a project within our dietetic service to increase sustainability of ONS (oral nutritional supplement) prescribing. Wondering is anyone had looked into powder…
It's Veganuary! The easiest time of the year to try a vegan diet and see how easy and delicious it is to eat in line with your climate commitments and compassionate values! Join thousands and…
Calling all NHS food, nutrition, and procurement professionals! Sustainability Partnerships are preparing areport on the NHS's progress towards sustainable food procurement.
They are seeking input…
If you are interested in learning more about Veganuary, how it can help both you and the planet, and how you can spread the word in your workplace watch this informative talk from Laura-Jane…
Let me take you on a personal journey.
Picture this: stacks of paperwork, endless files, and a lingering feeling of guilt about the impact our speech therapy practices were having on the…