Pathology testing underpins all of healthcare. All patients are tested; from swabs to diagnose COVID, to bloods in community to monitor diabetes, and tests to diagnose the acutely unwell in ED and…
This is a new inititative - introducing the use of Indexor into Pathology Sample Reception for GP (Primary Care) activity. It's great at fast tracking blood samples throught the laboratory using ICE…
In March 2023, the NHS Estates team published an updated Clinical Waste Strategy document that outlined strategic guidelines for trusts to follow to lower the carbon footprint associated with…
The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ACB) is one of the worlds’ leading professional membership organisations dedicated to the practice and promotion of clinical science.…
Hi all,
I saw that Eppendorf have released some microtubes which are made partly of a biobased polymer -
In November, the IBMS trialled a special edition of the regular monthly #IBMSChat, using Twitter’s new ‘Spaces’ live audio feature.
‘Twitter Spaces’ is a way for audiences to get involved in live…
We have had a request from a student completing a dissertation as part of an MBA at Warwick University focussing on drivers and barriers of the circular economy for single-use plastics in the NHS.…
HI all, we have been working with some of the NHS Pathology Networks and developed a Specimen Quality and Transport Dashboard, this includes a carbon footprint section that provides a set of measures…