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Showing 101 - 110 of 229 results

NHS Employers Sustainable Health and Care Campaign

Created on
27 Feb 2018
Beth Barnes
For your interest please find below an upcoming NHS sustainabilitycampaign, which has been brought to our attention at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists,with a number of events, activities and…

Sustainability Series: Sustainable mental health guides

Created on
26 Jan 2018
Admin *
Making mental healthcare more environmentally sustainable sounds great- but how to do it? Our Sustainable Mental Health Guidesoffer ideas and interventions to support you to implement a more…

Sustainability Series: A sustainable approach to mental health care

Created on
12 Jan 2018
Admin *
As part of the Sustainability Series leading up to CSH's 10th birthday,we're excited to publish our first blog on sustainable mental health care by Dr. Daniel Maughan: A more sustainable approach to…

Sustainability Series: Green Space and Health

Created on
19 Dec 2017
Admin *
In celebration of our 10th birthday, we have launched the Sustainability Series. In a series of blogs and practical guides we will be focusing on a different specialty each month and providing…

Paper highlighting environmental footprint of efficient cataract surgical model

Created on
7 Dec 2017
Cassandra Thiel
Hello everyone, (I've cross-posted this with the Sustainable Operating Theatres forum, so pardon me if you're receiving this twice.) I'm very excited to share my new publication- "Cataract surgery…

Summary of Climate and health session - All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change

Created on
23 Nov 2017
Admin *
This was a very research-rich event which clearly put climate change on the health 'to-do' list. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change (one of the organisers) has produced a good summary…

the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change - interview

Created on
16 Nov 2017
Admin *
Interesting interview on climate and mental health from the US by Dr Lise Van Susteren of the Climate Psychiatry Alliance. Do you think this [dealing with climate denial] is the role of the mental…

Where do your optometry and ophthalmology instruments come from?

Created on
16 Nov 2017
Rosie Hillson
Have you ever thought about the ethical and environmental impacts of eye health procurement? A questionnaire to find out about this very issue has been designed. Simon Berry, quoted in Optometry…

Green spaces at hospitals and mental health

Created on
7 Nov 2017
Jacqueline Cutting
The design of hospital environments with an increased focus onnaturehas been reported to havehealth and well-being benefits. This paper from the BJPsych International journal published by the Royal…

The Adult Health and Social Care Crisis - Green Infrastructure as Part of the Solution

Created on
9 Oct 2017
Admin *
I was asked to contribute a health-related article for a special Green Infrastructure themed edition of Town and Country Planning, the journal of the TCPA. This is the outcome. It is driven largely…