Hello everyone
I am currently planning a resesarch project for HCP educators in my local university aiming to get a status check on what and how are academic staff doing about environmental…
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare partnered with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) to develop elearning resources designed to equip healthcare workers with the knowledge…
The Planetary Health Report Card (PHRC) is a student-led initiative where healthcare course students grade how well they think their university addresses and advocates for planetary health issues…
Hi All
I am pulling together a HSDR bid to look at sustainability improvements and CO2 reductions of various car closer to homes / out of hospital / virtual ward approaches (plus a comparator with…
This month, the CSH SusQI education team are launching the SusQI Academy, and expanding the SusQI Beacon Site Accreditation programme, to enable all health education and health delivery institutions…
Does anyone have any experience of heat recovery projects in any context?
More specifically - waste/domestic water heat recovery. I am working within the context of…
Hi everyone,
Pharmacy Declares are hosting a free online conference "Sustainability in Education" on Saturday 15th October 09:30am - 1:30pm. Please see attached schedule and registration link…
A life cycle analysis study of single use vs reusable duodenoscopes has now been published in full:
The paper focuses on the use of the endoscopes…
I did see a few brief discussions regarding WAG capture technology. Is anyone currently useing it with in their hospital? Is there any supporting data that you can point…