This new review shows a positive link between greenspace and blood pressure. Meta-analysis showed a decrease in blood pressure and risk of hypertension in a greater greenspace living…
Hi All,
Does anyone know of any research/studies that have looked at how the carbon footprint of tablet medication compares with the carbon footprint of liquid medication?
On Monday 22 November for theGreenerNHS Estates and Facilities Spotlight Day, key staff from the National NHS Estates Team visited a number of projects showcasing Green NHS ideas. These…
Routine use of a blood test to rule out pre-eclampsia which is keeping thousands of pregnant women safe and out of hospital, as well as reducing NHS costs, has carbon reduction…
The Sustainable Healthcare Coalition is pleased to invite you to the launch of a significant new development designed to help GP practices easily measure their carbon footprint and identify their…
The Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Reponse Task Force recently released this report:
CFMS HEART: National Report on Planetary Health Education…
Here’s a very short but useful article about oxygen waste from turning the flow all the way up to the top (past 15 l/min) which is commonly done:
Arora, N. et al. 2021. Delivery of oxygen by…
Hi all, I work in the sustainability team for my Trust and I'm collaborating with our libraries to curate a sustainable healthcare reading list for them to promote in the coming months on the run up…
The GREEN-ICU research study is seeking views on environmental sustainability from people working in intensive care.
This includes anyone connected to intensive care through clinical practice,…