I work for UCLPartners Health Innovation Network as Senior Implementation Manager for Climate, and am leading a project with NHS England to create a comprehensive toolkit to support NHS organisations…
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals has submitted a proposal to host a Chief Sustainability Officers Clinical Fellowship- Pathology. This is a 1 year secondment for an AfC 7 or 8a individual currently…
Research Fellow in Sustainable Intensive Care
Applicants with a background in intensive care are invited to apply for this exciting opportunity to work within a multi-disciplinary team on a…
Please see link below for more details relating to this 12 month 2 day week climate action fellow post open to existing NHS staff. Closing date 24th March
Job vacancy: Climate Action Fellow,…
I wonder what the best practice is for 500 mlantiseptic disinfectant solution containers. We have many such containers throughout our hospitals, used for hand hygiene. They usually contain…
As a researcher student at University of Brighton, I'm conducting a study on perceptions and experiences on the sustainable value of Digital health interventions in primary care.
I'm grateful…
Many thanks to those who were able to join us for the first step in putting together our Framework for Sustainable Palliative Care.
You can find the recording of the meeting here.
Join our…
Does anyone have any input to any work done to facilitate sharing of Care Records/ Consent (we use SystmOne). We are hoping to improve the use and access of SystmOne E-Referral for clinicians…
Are you interested in sustainability and what you can do to make your work or practice more sustainable? Have you undertaken sustainable healthcare or carbon literacy training with HEIW or elsewhere?…