SHARE conference - Sustainable Healthcare Academic Research and Enterprise
6 May 2022 10am-4pm BST (British Standard Time)
Free on Zoom - open to anyone interested in sustainable…
Greener Practice have launced an asthma toolkit designed to help GP practices improve outcomes for patients with asthma whilst also reducing carbon emissions. It will help practices achieve the PCN…
In view of the significant contribution Inhalers make to the NHS carbon footprint, CSH have developed a new course focused on Sustainable Respiratory Care. I wonder if you would be interested in…
We are launching a green respiratory care and inhaler clinical champion scheme to improve awareness of the potential to reduce the NHS carbon footprint through low carbon inhaler use in both primary…
This week's "Inside Health" on BBC Radio 4 devoted half the programme to the climate impact of MDI inhalers, and the potental benefits (envrinomental and clinical) of switching inhalers. A great…
International conference: Community Nursing Towards Sustainable Health Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden - June 21-22, 2022 Call for abstracts closes 7 January 2022.…
Routine use of a blood test to rule out pre-eclampsia which is keeping thousands of pregnant women safe and out of hospital, as well as reducing NHS costs, has carbon reduction…
Carbon footprint of single-use &reusable sharps
This open access BMJ article investigates the carbon footprint of converting fromsingle-useto reusable sharps containers in 40 UK NHS trusts.
If you missed it, you can now watch thisepisode on Sustainabilty in Healthcare on mhTV; featuring Heather Baid, Anna Fuhrmann and myself withNicky Lambert and Vanessa Gilmartin Garrity.
Its also…