November's sustainability networking event at COT HQ has made the front page of the latest OTnews:'ll upload the slides from the day on…
We've been reading about what members of OT Susnet and others have accomplished around issues of sustainability and occupational therapy for some time, and we are pleased to have something to add to…
What do the possibilities of sustainability and the reality of climate change mean for occupational therapy? On the 21st November I had the privilege of spending the day with just some of the OTs who…
the event focussing on what Occupational Therapists could be doing to promote the Sustainable Strategy published in January 2014 was inspirational. there was plenty of fodder to help infrom future…
Outdoor walking groups can facilitate interaction with nature, social interaction, and physical activity, yet little is known about their efficacy in promoting mental, emotional, and social wellbeing.…
Daniel Maughan, the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Sustainability Fellowlooks at the evidence of how climate change is impacting on mental healthin the latest BMJ Blog coordinated by the Centre for…
The NHS Forest has been shortlisted for an HSJ award in the "Improving Environmental and Social Sustainability Category". With over 1300 entries this year we are very pleased to have got through the…
This year has been an interesting year for weather, from terrible floods to wonderful heat waves. Do we have to accept that from now on weather systems are going to become more unstable? If we do, how…
The Men Who Made Us Spend is a thought provoking series about consumerism: It made me consider again the occupational meaning of what we buy and how we buy. A…