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Showing 141 - 150 of 150 results

Cradle to Gate

Created on
12 Dec 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
Greenhouse Gas Accounting Sector Guidance for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical DevicesA consortium of major global companies has been working with the NHS SDU to agree standards for reporting of…

Disruption as opportunity

Created on
10 Jul 2012
Toby Hillman
David Pencheon has been quoted recently as seeing opportunity in the disruption caused by the passing of the Health and Social Care Act. With new commissioning groups forming, priorities and visions…

Article n the Guardian on pharmaceutical waste in the NHS

Created on
4 Jul 2012
Mark Rhodes
Not sure whether people have seen this article in the Guardian: Regards, Mark

Greener Inhalers for the UK

Created on
13 Jun 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
The Centre's Sustainable Respiratory Care group will lead research on why the UK continues to use inhalers with a much higher carbon footprint than other European countries. 25,000 people a year die…

Respiratory Medicine: High Quality, Low Carbon

Created on
17 Apr 2012
Toby Hillman
On the 23rd of March I was lucky to be among a group of respiratory professionals, representatives from primary care, nursing, academic and the pharmaceutical industry as we came together to discuss…

Climate Change and Health report

Created on
12 Apr 2012
Mark Rhodes
A little while ago GlaxoSmithKline funded a joint study with the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and Accenture. The outcome was a report entitled "Climate Change…

Value and Carbon in Respiratory Care

Created on
13 Mar 2012
Toby Hillman
Value is a concept which is making waves in the management / leadership / policy world of medicine at the moment. It is not an entirely new concept, but has been worked on and promoted as an approach…

Innovative Inhaler Recycling Project Expanded

Created on
30 Jan 2012
Ingeborg Steinbach
In February 2011 GlaxoSmithKline and the Cooperative Pharmacy in partnership with TerraCycle UK launched the first respiratory inhaler recycling programme in Europe. Forty Cooperative pharmacies…

Welcome to the network for Sustainable Respiratory Care!

Created on
11 Jan 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
What will respiratory medicine look like in 5 years’ time, when carbon rationing is re-shaping the NHS?We are starting an exciting project, funded for a year by GSK, to improve the environmental…

Welcome to the Sustainable Respiratory Care Network!

Created on
11 Jan 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
What will respiratory medicine look like in 5 years’ time, when carbon rationing is re-shaping the NHS?We are starting an exciting project, funded for a year by GSK, to improve the environmental…