Apologies if this has been discussed in the past.The journals that we get from our Royal College (RCPsych) could be an electronic journal. Most of us tend to accumulate the journals which end up being…
A new report from from UEA's Norwich Medical School and the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York shows that people's wellbeing is improved if they walk or cycle to work - or even take…
Interesting article by George Marshall in New York Times in run up to release of his new book Don't Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate…
Clinical decisions are often complex. There are many factors to take into account and many pressures within the health care context that pull us in different ways. Worryingly, there is increasing…
This month saw three big events on three subsequent days. On the 26th March I gave the evening lecture at the new college premises, Dame Sue Bailey introduced me and said some really positive words…
Does anybody out there have experience of increasing staff take up of electric vehicles (either as a personal purchase/lease, or of a pool car scheme)?
Our Trust are working on a sustainable…
In designing sustainable mental health services, we need to fully understand our available resources and constraints across environmental, economic and social domains. Only then can models of care be…
NHS sustainability day is on the 27th March. That is just over 1 month away. This is a great opportunity for us to promote enviromental practices within our teams. Lots of people are signing their…
This letter, from over 350 signatories from across the health sector, calls on the Prime Minister to act to reduce the use of fossil fuels and prevent the health and economic impacts that result…
This letter, from over 350 signatories from across the health sector, calls on the Prime Minister to act to reduce the use of fossil fuels and prevent the health and economic impacts that result from…