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Showing 151 - 160 of 180 results

NEW RCPsych sustainability award

Created on
15 Apr 2014
Admin *
The RCPsych have created a sustainability award this year for clinical teams who have reduced environmental impact of their practice in some…

Letter to The Times from Doctors about Climate Change

Created on
8 Apr 2014
Admin *
The following letter appeared in the Times on Saturday 29 March 2014.Sir, On Mondaythe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is due to publish its latest report on the current and projected…

NHS Change Day 2014

Created on
10 Feb 2014
Admin *
NHS Change Day is a movement with a shared purpose of improving health and care. Their mission is to inspire and mobilise people everywhere, staff, patients and the public to dosomething better…

Patient empowerment

Created on
5 Feb 2014
Admin *
One principle of sustainable health care is patient empowerment. Empowering patients to manage their own mental health is a key factor in reducing burden on services and therefore reduced use of…

The Natural Approach to Meaningful Occupation

Created on
10 Jan 2014
Sam Eperson
The Natural Approach to Meaningful Occupation (NAMO) is a model I have designed to aid occupational therapy interventions, considering features of outdoor natural environments. NAMO allows…

We have some NHS Forest trees to give away.................

Created on
11 Nov 2013
Admin *
We have 700 NHS Forest trees to give away this planting season for all healthcare estates interested in doing some planting! Many of the trees were generously sponsored by the Great Outdoor Gym…

Examining the role of OT- survey results

Created on
30 Aug 2013
Julie Dorsey
Hello everyone! First I wanted to say thank you for all of the great resources that have been shared on this site, especially the recent flurry from the COT conference. It is exciting to hear all…

College of Occupational Therapists 37th Annual Conference, Glasgow SECC

Created on
17 Aug 2013
Ben Whittaker
College of Occupational Therapists 37th Annual Conference, Glasgow SECC These reflections on the COT Annual Conference in Glasgow have been delayed by me having had to take some unexpected time off…

CleanMed 2013 - call for case studies

Created on
8 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future (as opposed to providing the same care more…

NHS Sustainabilty Day 2013

Created on
15 Mar 2013
Ben Whittaker
For thoseof us working in the NHS,NHS Sustainability Dayis fast approaching on March 28th. It's agreat chance to raise awareness of sustainabilty issues and it would begood to hear any plans you…