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Showing 161 - 170 of 226 results

About the Green Nephrology Network

Created on
21 Aug 2013
Frances Mortimer
What will kidney care look like in 10 or 15 years’ time, when carbon rationing is re-shaping the NHS? Will patients still travel three times a week to access dialysis, or cover hundreds of miles to…

Improving Chances of Graft Survival

Created on
13 Aug 2013
William Beale
Improving Chances We have a theory that the food waste containers we have in our kitchens are a breeding and incubation area for nasty bacteria that is harmful to patients with a low immune…

Acid delivery - powder vs concentrate?

Created on
18 Jul 2013
John Stoves
Does anyone have experience of using powder for local mixing of acid for haemodialysis? At face value there appear to be significant financial and carbon savings to be made. It would be good to…

CleanMed Europe social media platforms - follow and join the conversation

Created on
16 Jul 2013
Admin *
There's now afacebook pageandtwitter accountfor September's CleanMed Europe conference - if you use social media, do follow them for new blogs as they published, along with news items and reports.…

Overcoming barriers in Green Nephrology

Created on
8 Jul 2013
Frances Mortimer
In the survey of Green Nephrology Local Representatives in 2010, Local Reps identified some of the barriers that can prevent them from seeing through local green initiatives. We would like to explore…

EU legislation a barrier to sustainable actions?

Created on
29 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
We are in contact with a Member of the European Parliament who is willing to challenge outdated EU legislation which is proving a barrier to sustainability in kidney care - as long as there is a clear…

Telephone Transplant Clinics

Created on
8 May 2013
Andy Connor
We're working towards setting up a telephone transplant clinic service at the South West Transplant Centre. I'm aware that more and more units are doing this. I'd like to collatecollective…

Examples of diabetes-renal service integration?

Created on
8 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
Scoping out options for sustainable service redesign in Reading and they are interested in joining up services for diabetic patients with CKD. Does anyone know of good examples where this is already…

climate change, global kidney health and the ISN

Created on
11 Apr 2013
Frances Mortimer
In his talk at the global health session of the Renal Association-BTS Congress last month, Professor John Feehally, president of the International Society of Nephrologists, reminded the audience how…

Australian colleagues launch Green Dialysis website

Created on
10 Apr 2013
Frances Mortimer
The strap line for the new Green Dialysis website is "eco-dialysis… a more thoughtful future". documents the eco-journey of the Barwon Health Renal Service, which began…