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Showing 161 - 170 of 179 results

Promoting Sustainability in Healthcare Symposium - free places available

Created on
15 Mar 2018
Admin *
Some free places available by emailing (free places are sponsorship from Responsible Futures, SWR and Low Carbon Europe). School of Health Sciences…

The US Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health

Created on
8 Mar 2018
Admin *
Last November five key US nursing organisations including the Association of Public Health Nurses and the National Student Nurses Association signed up to the 'Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change…

Sustainability Series: Why nurses play a key role in making healthcare greener

Created on
5 Mar 2018
Admin *
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is celebrating its 10 yearanniversary this year. To celebrate we are focusing on a different sustainble speciality each month in our Sustainability…

Come and hear Nurse Lillian Cingo Pioneer of South Africa's health train

Created on
26 Feb 2018
Mary Zacaroli
Award-winning nurseLillian Cingo, who pioneered South Africa's health train is speaking at the Long Room in the Town Hall, Oxford at around 3.30pm on Saturday, 3rd March. This is as part of Oxford…

House of Lords debate on global health effects of climate change

Created on
1 Jan 2018
Admin *
This two hour debate took place on Thursday 21st December 2017. You can watch the full debate on Parliament TV at:…

Paper highlighting environmental footprint of efficient cataract surgical model

Created on
8 Dec 2017
Cassandra Thiel
Hello everyone, (I've cross-posted this with the Sustainable Operating Theatres forum, so pardon me if you're receiving this twice.) I'm very excited to share my new publication- "Cataract surgery…

Summary of Climate and health session - All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change

Created on
23 Nov 2017
Admin *
This was a very research-rich event which clearly put climate change on the health 'to-do' list. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change (one of the organisers) has produced a good summary…

Film on nursing and climate change

Created on
2 Nov 2017
Admin *
This has been put together by the US Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments. It gives a very clear account of how climate change is affecting the day job. Useful for teaching and sharing on…

Keep antibiotics working campaign

Created on
25 Oct 2017
Admin *
Let's get the word out on antibiotic guardians. Public Health England campaign film and sign on here: More details about the role nurses can play in the campaign…

The Adult Health and Social Care Crisis - Green Infrastructure as Part of the Solution

Created on
9 Oct 2017
Admin *
I was asked to contribute a health-related article for a special Green Infrastructure themed edition of Town and Country Planning, the journal of the TCPA. This is the outcome. It is driven largely…