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Showing 171 - 180 of 317 results

International Green Nephrology

Created on
17 Oct 2018
Frances Mortimer
The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) has expressed an interest in supporting collective efforts to improve the environmental sustainability of kidney care. This could…

New examples from kidney units needed!

Created on
18 Sep 2018
Frances Mortimer
Dear kidney teams and patients, I have been invited to run a session at the Association for Renal Technicians' conference in October 2018. I will be presenting examples of green practice from…

Calling all Q members (Health Foundation) with a passion for sustainability

Created on
12 Sep 2018
Chantelle Rizan
Calling all sustainability friends… are you a Q member (Health Foundation)? We are pleased to announce we have just started a new Sustainability Specialist Interest group- please do join us…

Nephrology Placements Required

Created on
3 Jul 2018
Jacob Stapley
I am a third year biomedical sciences undergraduate student at the University of Warwick,under the supervision of Rob Lillywhite. I'm currently undertaking a university funded summer research…

Australia and New Zealand are catching up

Created on
12 Jun 2018
John Agar
Dear UK friends For some years, the Barwon HealthRenal Service in Geelong has 'gone it alone' in promoting dialysis (and renal) sustainability in ANZ. It is thus with the utmost pleasure that I can…

Sign up to the CSH newsletter

Created on
6 Jun 2018
Admin *
We are going to be sending out a CSH newsletter next week.. If you did not resubscribe when we asked you to in May, you may not receive it (due to changesin linewith GDPR) make sure to sign up…

Air Pollution - GPs

Created on
16 May 2018
Rosie Roberts
Hello - Im a final year medical student doing a 2 week placement with CSH. I am making a pamphlet for GPs suggesting ways in which they can help reduce their patient's exposure to air pollution. I…

MPs call on NHS to reduce use of MDIs to tackle climate change

Created on
2 May 2018
Frances Mortimer
The Environmental Audit Committeehas called on the Government, the NHS and manufacturers to reduce the production and use of metereddose inhalers in order to cutgreenhouse gas emissions. In the…

Acid concentrates leftovers ...

Created on
10 Feb 2018
silvia corti
Hi everybody, please forgive my not-perfect English, I try to do my best. I am Italian and work in a hemodialysis ward since 10 years. My never-solved problem is what the hell to do with Acid…