This was a very research-rich event which clearly put climate change on the health 'to-do' list. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change (one of the organisers) has produced a good summary…
Dr. Stanley Blue from the University of Lancaster has been working with the DEMAND centre ( which studies the dynamics of energy, mobility and demand. He has been working at…
CSH has been awarded a Seeing is Believing Innovation Fund grant of $50,000 to develop a tool to measure The Triple Bottom Line for Community Cataract Services worldwide. This project will be a…
As many NHS professionals will be aware the NHS has committed to reduce its carbon footprint in line with the Climate Change Act (2008) but, aside from ensuring that legislative targets are reached,…
Today CSH has launched the Green Nurse Network in collaboration with the Royal College of Nursing, the Faculty of Heath & Human Sciences at Plymouth University and Medact.
Nurses are the…
Hi All, OK - so I think this writes itself, but please bear with me.
I am confident that many of us have seen endless gallons of water being wasted at the scrub sink. Water is a valuable resource.…
These 15/20 minute entry-level podcasts recorded in February 2017 look at what we know about the way in which climate change affects health and the steps we can take. Both are interviews with Dr Aaron…
On 2nd March CSH and the Ecosystems Knowledge Network delivered a Valuing Nature Programme event to ensure that tools and methods are available to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of addressing…
I am developing a project which may include some products which are more environmentally aceptable. I am having a problem with findingdata to expose the amount of disposable plastic used in an…