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Showing 181 - 190 of 236 results

Senior Clinical Auditor, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Created on
29 Jul 2019
Admin *
We are just starting to try and introduce and rationalise waste recycling into theatres (the trust does not recycle anything!). If anyone else has already done something similar I would be grateful to…

Doctors call for nonviolent direct action over climate crisis

Created on
28 Jun 2019
Stefi Barna
"More than 1,000 doctors including 40 professors, several eminent public health figures and past presidents of royal colleges are calling for widespread nonviolent civil disobedience in the face of…

'Eyefficiency' has successfully undergone 2 rounds of beta-testing!

Created on
27 Jun 2019
Ingeborg Steinbach
As reported a year ago, CSH has been awarded another Seeing is Believing Innovation Fund* grant for the second phase of developing with its partners, a web-based ‘Eyefficiency’ audit toolkit for…

GASP - Greener Anaesthesia & Sustainability Project

Created on
13 May 2019
Jonny Groome
Hi Everybody, I wanted to tell you all about our group, GASP - The Greener Anaesthesia & Sustainabilty Project. We are an organisation focused on reducing the environmental impact of healthcare…

'Environmentally Sustainable Theatres' working group

Created on
3 May 2019
Ruth Greer
At the end of August 2018, we successfully established this environmental initiative at North Bristol NHS Trust, which continues to run multiple projects within theatres to reduce our carbon…

Climate advocacy networking

Created on
2 May 2019
Frances Mortimer
Doctors and all health professionals are highly respected. Many of us therefore feel that we should use our position to speak out and make sure that people know about the climate emergency and the…

PVC recycling scheme

Created on
29 Apr 2019
lydia Howells
Hello! I am a Deputy Charge Nurse of a Recovery Unit in Scotland I am about 2 months into a Q.I project of reducing our clinical waste by maximising correct waste segregation procedures. I am also…

NHS looks to anaesthetists to reduce carbon emissions

Created on
21 Mar 2019
Frances Mortimer
In January 2019, NHS England published its Long Term Plan, setting out its commitments for the next ten years - including how it will deliver on the carbon reduction targets from the 2008 UK Climate…

University of Brighton Sustainability Conference - programme, abstracts and registration info

Created on
8 Mar 2019
Heather Baid
The University of Brighton School of Health Sciences 5th annual sustainability conference will be held 3 May 2019. The conference aims to present the diversity of sustainable practices within…

Anaesthetic gas - monitoring practice and motivating change

Created on
26 Jan 2019
Matthew Jenks
An update to a post i entered 8 months ago. Since introducing regular monitoring of our anaesthetic gas usage and encouraging reduced desflurane use we continue to see a steady decline in Desflurane…