After sucessfully launching a recycling scheme in 34 theatres, across 3 theatre suites, we've got a motivated multidisciplinary group who would like to do more. Does anyone have any success (or…
"How can we involve clinical departments in our Climate Week?" wondered the team at Whittington Hospital, which has been setting up a series of green events for 12-16 March 2012. The answer: a Green…
Why single-use devices? In the not too distant past medical devices were re-usable. Their design, shape, size and materials used (glass, metal and rubber) were easy to clean and sterilise. However,…
Andrea MacNeill, Principle Investigator, Green-Op Andrea is surgical resident from Canada and is currently working towards an MSc in Environmental Change & Management at the University of Oxford. As…
Following in the footsteps of Green Nephology and the other successful speciality programmes, SusOp has grand plans for the transformation of one of the most energy and carbon intensive aspects of…
Prion risk: where do we draw the line? Millions of nail clippers are incinerated every year across the NHS, as a result of policies to manage the theoretical risk of vCJD, according to an article by…