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Showing 191 - 200 of 442 results

Surgical set rationalisation

Created on
8 Nov 2023
Nicole Fletcher
NHSE working with the Health Innovation North West Coast and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust have developed a reproducible process for hospitals to rationalise surgical sets, reducing carbon intensive…

Reuseable vs disposable cups

Created on
30 Oct 2023
Emma Carver
Hi, does anyone have any links to resources comparing the financial cost of reuseable to disposbale cups (taking into account washing and disposal of each)? I'm sure reuseable is more cost-effective…

next meeting Fri 10th 1230pm

Created on
26 Oct 2023
Kate Crossland
Our next meeting, on Environmental Issues in Prescribing in Palliative Care, will be on Friday 10th November, 1230pm. Teams details at end of this message. We will be welcoming a speaker from Pharmacy…

Carbon footprint palliative care - hospice/hospital/home

Created on
26 Oct 2023
Katherine Taylor
Has anyone come across evidence of the carbon footprint of end of life care please, especially comparing hospice to hospital and home-based care? I have found a paper on a UK hospice carbon footprint…

Networks news update October 2023

Created on
25 Oct 2023
Rachael Ward
Find out the latest news from the Networks Platform, including recent opportunities and upcoming networking events, here!

Planetary Health Report Card- Medical Students Wanted!

Created on
23 Oct 2023
Rebecca McEwen
Hi! I am one of the UK medical co-leads for the Planetary Health Report Card (PHRC). Currently, I am recruiting medical schools to take part in this year's PHRC. If you aren't familiar with the PHRC,…

Validation tool for checking environmental impact data

Created on
17 Oct 2023
Melissa Pegg
Hi Everyone, Is anyone aware of any validation tool(s)/checklists/criteria being used anywhere, or have seen any tools initially created for a different quality check of data (I already use PAS…

European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) Sustainable Healthcare Study

Created on
11 Oct 2023
Rachael Ward
The European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) have a study to investigateWorldwide Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of healthcare professionals in Pediatric Intensive Care…

Planetary Health Report Card - Graduate Training Edition Survey

Created on
7 Oct 2023
James Lee
Hey Sustainable Healthcare Network - the PHRC is looking for participants to consult on a Planetary Health Report Card for graduate medicine. This would take the form of a report card style check…

SusQI Project - Improving the environmental impact of patients with diabetes and on insulin

Created on
6 Oct 2023
Georgia Homer
This project was part out South Warwickshire University NHS Trust's Green Team project. Team consisted of two diabetes specialist nurses and two diabetes dietitians. Millions of people in the UK…