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Showing 191 - 200 of 250 results

RHS Chelsea Flower Show Feel Good Garden

Created on
25 May 2018
Jacqueline Cutting
Patients and staff in Camden & Islington are set to benefit from a Chelsea garden designed to promote mental health.For more details please see here. The garden was also discussed on BBC's All in…

RCN Congress 2019

Created on
20 May 2018
Harriet Dean-Orange
Calling any Nurses who would be interested in making the process and event of RCN Congress more sustainable... After attending my second RCN Congress this year, I have a driving urge and passion…

Air Pollution - GPs

Created on
16 May 2018
Rosie Roberts
Hello - Im a final year medical student doing a 2 week placement with CSH. I am making a pamphlet for GPs suggesting ways in which they can help reduce their patient's exposure to air pollution. I…

Hospitals Going Green: A Holistic View of the Issue and the Critical Role of the Nurse Leader

Created on
7 May 2018
Admin *
Just found this article while looking for something else on line and thought others should see it too. It's from the States so perhaps not a complete match for the UK nurse settings, but is the first…

Sustainability Series- The role of education in sustainable occupational therapy

Created on
4 May 2018
Admin *
The Sustainability Series is The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare's way of showcasing differnet sustainable clinical specialties in the run up to our 10th Birthday! This month Occupational Therapy…

MPs call on NHS to reduce use of MDIs to tackle climate change

Created on
2 May 2018
Frances Mortimer
The Environmental Audit Committeehas called on the Government, the NHS and manufacturers to reduce the production and use of metereddose inhalers in order to cutgreenhouse gas emissions. In the…

How-to-Guide: Setting up a green space walking group for inpatients in mental health units

Created on
18 Apr 2018
Admin *
CSH is very pleased to announce that we received funding from the Network for Social Change (N4SC) for a project which, over the next year, will develop a How-to-Guide on setting up a green space…

Large savings from nurse-led sustainable approach to meds

Created on
15 Mar 2018
Admin *
This University Hospital Southampton Green Ward Competition project was conceived of and led by nurses and won! See below for what they did and what it saved. If you are thinking of doing the same…

Promoting Sustainability in Healthcare Symposium - free places available

Created on
15 Mar 2018
Admin *
Some free places available by emailing (free places are sponsorship from Responsible Futures, SWR and Low Carbon Europe). School of Health Sciences…

The US Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change and Health

Created on
8 Mar 2018
Admin *
Last November five key US nursing organisations including the Association of Public Health Nurses and the National Student Nurses Association signed up to the 'Nursing Collaborative on Climate Change…