NHS Dorset ICBs 'Only Order What You Need' (OOWYN) campaign was a system wide programme to increase patient empowerment, and consequently reduce unnecessary primary care medicines prescribing in…
The Pharmacy SusNet online event at 7pm on Wednesday 19th June will hear from Dr Aarti Bansal from Greener Practice on practical tips for sustainable high quality low carbon asthma care. Pharmacist…
The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice is calling for papers for a themedcollection on the Climate, Nature and Pollution Crises: how more sustainable medicines use can make a…
Air Pollution and Child Health Advocacy - webinar | RCPCH
27th June, 13.00pm - 14.00pm
The first webinar in our upcoming 'clean air and child health' series will be on Air Pollution Advocacy for…
Dear all,
We need your help in commenting and voting for our proposed a project idea for theThe Health Foundation-funded Q exchange programmeMedicine Waste in Care Homes: Reducing Social and…
Choosing Wisely & Climate Action
Reducing unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures is an opportunity to benefit both patients and the planet.
The Choosing Wisely team have recently updated…
Has anyone had any success in challenging CMU contracts on the basis of carbon footprint?
Or formally or informally fedback that this needs to considered more at tender?
Hi all,
Is anyone using compostable/paper/cardboard medicines pots in their setting instead of plastic ones? I have a secondary care colleague who is interested in switching over what they give the…
The London Greener NHS team will be running a Greener NHS Week, from Monday 13th May 2024 to Friday 17th May 2024. The events are virtual. The Green Week is aimed for healthcare staff to gain an…
I am based in a cancer centre and trying to look at reducing oral chemotherapy waste, by potentially re-dispensing discontinued or deferred oral prescriptions. The waste usually comes from temporarily…