The International Council of Nurses (ICN) today launched itsCall for Abstractsfor the ICN Congress 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.Abstracts for an oral or e-poster presentation can be submittedfrom 2…
Hello everyone. My name is Kim Masker and I am an OT and certified hand therapist in the US. I am President Elect of the American Society of Hand Therapists and wanted to introduce myself. I'm excited…
Nurse Education Today
In this Special Issue we invite research and scholarship at the intersection of healthcare education and practice, planetary health, and sustainability. Topics might include…
The Green Maternity Challenge application period opened on the 24th July and closes on the 20th September. For more information and to apply please follow this link -Green Maternity Challenge 2024 |…
Hello, I am seeking to create a quiz on sustainability and would appreciate any feedback or resources from the community. Have you developed or come across a quiz that focuses on environmental…
Applications for the first UK Green Maternity challenge will be launched on the 24th of July and 6 teams will be mentored to undertake Sustainability in Quality Improvement projects within the field…
Hello Everyone,
I am thrilled to be making my first posting on this platform and hope that it reaches a wide audience. As a third-year student in the adult nursing program at the University of…
Hello Everyone,
I am thrilled to be making my first posting on this platform and hope that it reaches a wide audience. As a third-year student in the adult nursing program at the University of…
Please watch and share this recording of the latest Women's Health Sustainability network event. Please note I will re-share once fully edited and uploaded to you-tube but for now the recording can be…
Please share far and wide.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the joint Sustainable Nursing and Midwifery Manifesto by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and the The Queen's Nursing…