Have you heard about the ‘Productive General Practice'?This is a programme from the NHS Institute which aims to support general practices in realising internal efficiencies, while maintaining quality…
See the new 'Just Giving' link from the network website through which people can make a donation to the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. You can make a regular or one off donation. Please let your…
The National Trust is highlighting the fact that the health of our children is greatly affected by the lack of exposure to nature...Read more at:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17495032
All details can be found on the website (what they will and will not take, how to register etc)http://www.intercare.org.uk/health-professionalsIntercare arrange collection.The medicines need to have…
I have recently established a display board for patients in my GP surgery waiting room explaining about Sustainability and its relevance to health. The display has ideas for how individuals can become…
What with Climate Change week recently and NHS Sustanability Day today the BMJ highlighted Sustainbility in last weeks BMJ (published March 19th) with a series of excellent articles.Why not have a…
It's Climate Week next week. Find out more athttp://www.climateweek.com. This is deemed Britains biggest climate change campaign; inspiring a new wave of action towards a Sustainable future. Has…
The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has come up with 5 key tips for healthy eating which is good for the planet at http://earthhour.wwf.org.uk/whats-next/healthy-eating-for-a-healthy-planet1) Eat more…
How our day-to-day prescribing habits impact the ecosystem- more incentives to reduce unecessary prescribing;http://www.theecologist.org/trial_investigations/268166/drugs_on_tap.htmlDoes anyone know…