Listening to feedback from our members and sustainable healthcare education representatives, we have identified that assessing sustainable healthcare is a troublesome area, and people feel out of…
Members of the SHE network may already be aware of the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE), which is hosted by the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University.
The Planetary Health Alliance is working to better assist students (both graduate and undergraduates) find summer internships, field experiences, or research projects in the field of planetary health.…
This is a 2 minute animation that brings to life the extent of carbon emissions due to healthcare waste and inappropriate clincal waste segregation. It is based on research by colleagues at Plymouth…
Bringing Sustainable Healthcare into the Undergraduate Curriculum
The 2018 Sustainable Healthcare Education masterclass took place in Islington on 11thSeptember 2018, organised by the Centre for…
Calling all sustainability friends… are you a Q member (Health Foundation)? We are pleased to announce we have just started a new Sustainability Specialist Interest group- please do join us…
SHE is running 2 practical workshops on sustainable healthcare education this Autumn...
Please do sign up yourselfand circulate the details to friends and colleagues.
Sustainable Healthcare…
Occupational therapy, with its holistic approach to problem-solving and ability to understand complex contextual factors, is in a position to play a critical role in framing issues around…
Planetary Health Book Club Discussion
The Planetary Health Alliance have a book club held online - you are welcome to join. The next book is Wayfinders, by Wade Davis, a discussion of…