Becoming a Green Nephrology Rep - well, for me it seemed quite logical as I am 'E.A.R.' environmental awareness representative for our Trust's green 'Treading Lightly' campaign, so why not join the 2…
A carbon footprint study of a UK renal service published in the Quarterly Journal of Medicinethis month confirms the importance of tackling supply chain emissions, revealing that the procurement of…
The Green Nephrology programme is looking for an enthusiastic health professional with experience in kidney care. After a brilliant first year, the programme is seeking to build the national Green…
As many of you will know, the Green Nephrology team had a busy time at the recent joint British Renal Society and Renal Association meeting in Manchester.
I’m grateful to Vifor for the invitation…
“Thanks to Green Nephrology, sustainability is now regarded as an integral part of quality. The work over the past year has caught the imagination of the whole kidney community and has launched a…
Have you ever thought about how much paper we dispose of on a daily basis whilst at work? No, well you should. The other day I was putting a patient on dialysis, a simple cannulation procedure. I…
No matter how much we hear about the health threats of global warming and the benefits of low carbon lifestyles, there are times as we go about our daily lives when we can still feel powerless to make…
Between March 31st 2008 and April 1st 2009, the renal team in a DGH not too far from me requested that their patients attend the hospital's radiology department as outpatients on 534 occasions…
The Campaign for Greener Healthcare is delighted to welcome Dr Andrew Connor to his new post as "Green Nephrology Fellow". Andrew is a specialist trainee in kidney medicine and takes up the fellowship…