Dear colleagues
A highly sought after opportunity has arisen to work with the NHS/PHE Sustainable Development Unit ( The SDU is looking for a registrar-level or…
GOLD! Really proud to have won Gold in the Green Apple Awards for The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. For our “One small Step” cycle shelter project. Thank you to all that made this…
Can anyone give me examples of actual changes on the ground that have come about because of students taking part in sustainable healthcare teaching?
(Examples shared this week are particularly…
Is anyone on the network involved in/interested in health professions inter-professional learning?
I had some experience of teaching sustainability as part of an (undergraduate) inter-professional…
The Global Health curriculum group has developed capabilities for all postgraduate doctors. These are to equip doctors with knowledge and skills ready for the globalised world that we live in.…
A group of us from the SHE network are presenting a sympoisum on sustainable healthcare at the AMEE conference in Barcelona this year (Sarah mentioned this in a recent post). The symposium will be…
Rational use of investigations in medicine... NICE publishes new guidance which suggests
- tests from primary care should be communicated to secondary/tertiary centres to avoid unnecessary repeats,…
The world may be getting smaller, but it’s not getting simpler. In the lead up to the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) annual conference 2016, we are working to prepare sessions fit…
Last week saw the 40thCOT Annual Conference in Harrogateand as always it was a great conference, making people excited by what occupational therapy has to offer, and with lots of sustainability…
At this year's NHS Sustainability Awards, many deserving NHS Trusts were commended and recognised for their work in the sustainability arena. We were delighted to see University Hospitals Bristol NHS…