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Showing 291 - 300 of 476 results

Planetary Health: a framework linking global conversations about the environment, sustainability, planetary boundaries and health

Created on
3 Jun 2018
Sarah Walpole
The term ‘planetary health’ was purported by the Rockerfeller foundation and Lancet in 2014 and a Lancet commission report on the topic followed in 2015 (Whitmee et al.). A team at Harvard were…

SHE internship opportunity!

Created on
23 May 2018
Frances Mortimer
The Sustainable Healthcare Education network (SHE)is entering a new phase. SHE has operated as an informal network of medical educators and students since 2009, working together to promote the…

Air Pollution - GPs

Created on
16 May 2018
Rosie Roberts
Hello - Im a final year medical student doing a 2 week placement with CSH. I am making a pamphlet for GPs suggesting ways in which they can help reduce their patient's exposure to air pollution. I…

Sustainability Series- The role of education in sustainable occupational therapy

Created on
4 May 2018
Admin *
The Sustainability Series is The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare's way of showcasing differnet sustainable clinical specialties in the run up to our 10th Birthday! This month Occupational Therapy…

MPs call on NHS to reduce use of MDIs to tackle climate change

Created on
2 May 2018
Frances Mortimer
The Environmental Audit Committeehas called on the Government, the NHS and manufacturers to reduce the production and use of metereddose inhalers in order to cutgreenhouse gas emissions. In the…

How-to-Guide: Setting up a green space walking group for inpatients in mental health units

Created on
18 Apr 2018
Admin *
CSH is very pleased to announce that we received funding from the Network for Social Change (N4SC) for a project which, over the next year, will develop a How-to-Guide on setting up a green space…

A case for climate activisim: a blog

Created on
15 Apr 2018
Caroline Wellbery
Here's a blog a student andI wrote about engaging medical students that might be of interest: It starts out this way…

Global in more ways than one: Climate Change and Health Professional Education

Created on
19 Mar 2018
Robert Woollard
EVENT: Wed 21st March 2018 12.30pm - 2pm Join us for this month’s jam packed webalogue as we put on our strategic thinking hats and look at the question of how we can further ecosystem education…

Draft Vision and Goals for the Sustainable Healthcare Education network

Created on
16 Mar 2018
Sarah Walpole
This is a draft mission statement of the Sustainable Healthcare Education network (SHE), developed by the core SHE team. It incorporates five year goals, and is for review and further discussion and…