GFR estimates are improved by use of cystatin C and creatinine. Has anyone reviewed the net impact on a health system of adding cystatin C (ubiquitously when eGFR requested, or selectively when eGFR…
Post Summary
The aim of this is post is to contribute to the understanding of sustainable healthcare practices and their impact, facilitating informed decision-making and driving positive changes…
About the Horizon Europe Project: ‘KitNewCare’
The Horizon Europe initiative is the EU’s key funding programme for innovation and research to tackle climate change and achieve the UN’s Sustainable…
About the Horizon Europe Project: ‘KitNewCare’
The Horizon Europe initiative is the EU’s key funding programme for innovation and research to tackle climate change and achieve the UN’s Sustainable…
Dear All,
Here is the access information for these new FREE curricula resources - please read on:
The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgowhas been working to address climate…
Interested to hear if units prescribe weekly darbopoeitin (or alternative ESAs), or if fortnightly (or less often) as standard?
We are looking at moving prescribing away from weekly, both for…
UKKA and CSH have increased the number of Sustainability Champions across Kidney Units.
If you have an interest in sustainable healthcare, this role is a great opportunity to represent your team…
Dear Colleagues,
May I kindly ask if anyone knows if industry suppliers can/have participated in the CSH green- healthcare wards/team competitions to help support the research (and not in terms…
A chance to chat with other interested podiatrists about sustainability in podiatry practice and in general. Please come and link up with like minded colleagues
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 19:00 - 20:00,…