Im attending the7th Annual Infection Control, Sterilization & Decontamination in Healthcare Conference itomorrow in London. Pleased to see the following as key points on the agenda, and will be…
"Earth Hour is your time to switch off from distractions and focus on our world"
Anyone got interesting ideas on what they will be doing if they "switch off for an…
BMJ and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change present a new one-day conference that will empower healthcare professionals to respond to the health emergency that climate change brings. Net Zero…
Posting on behalf of a colleague from our hand therapy team looking at more sustainable options for plastic moulded orthotics for patients. The 3 alternatives they have identified as potentially…
Great TEDxAlmansorParkSalononbyKelly DeMarco on Occupational Therapy's Role in Climate Crisis.
"Everyone has a role to play in being part of the solution for the climate crisis, including…
Apparently, around 70 percent of adults may experience impostorism (imposter syndrome) at some point in their life. When it comes to environmental and sustainable issues, I actually feel like a…
Tonight'sSustainable Occupational Therapy Practice - online networking eventhosted by Occupational Therapy Susnetfocussed on Green Walking in mental health recovery. Ben Whittaker (AHP and MH Lead at…
We had a really interesting talk by Jacqueline Gordon and Sam Pitman at our monthly SusOT network meeting earlier this month.
Please see the video recording of their informative presentation. Thank…