Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Care System 2014 - 2020 : ConsultationThe Sustainable Development Unit isrunning a consultation and engagement programmein order to produce a new…
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future. Case studies are invited! (closing date 31 May) -…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…
Congratulations to the Severn Deanery, which has been placed in the top three for Bristol Zoo’s Walk of Fame ‘Green Team’ award!Sustainability has become a major agenda for the Severn Deanery in…
The Sustainability Group from the University of Brighton School of Nursing and Midwifery hosted a symposium during the University's green week (March 2013).Click here for our website which has the…
The Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) Network is convening a national consultation on priority learning outcomes (PLOs) for sustainability in medical education, which has been prompted by the…
The Public Health Registrar Sustainable Development Network is comprised of a group of Public Health Registrars across the UK. We hope you read our recently launched report. The foundations of the…
When we asked whom Ed worked with in the Department of Health his honest reply was that Health was not a department that he frequently links with because there are so many others. The policy of the…