Hi all, we are looking to reduce prescriptions of omeprazole suspension (powder for suspension) in paediatric inpatients (+/- outpatients) in Newcastle - major cost savings, but also likely…
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has proposed a project idea for the Health Foundation-funded Q exchange https://q.health.org.uk/get-involved/q-exchange/
Our project is focused on the…
2 prongs to this idea
1. reduce prescritions for new patients who don't need it
2. review existing patients who have buccal midazolam: do they still need it; or could it be swapped to epistatus…
Ella, who died on February 15, 2013, from a fatal asthma attack, was the first person in the world to have air pollution listed as a cause of death on her death certificate.
At an event at City…
The evaluation of iSIMPATHY, a Scottish Government led EU funded cross border project supporting people taking multiple medicines has been released.
The report highlights how the project improved…
See below link- consultation on future of Quality Outcomes Frameworks and Impact and Investment Fund that can have a very significant impact on GP/PCN funding. Open till 7th March. One question stem…
1. The University of Reading – bringing sustainability to education: NET ZERO BY 2030?
The University of Reading has made a 61% reduction in carbon emissions since 2008-09, our baseline…
The recording of the 15th Nov Pharmacy SusNet event is now available on the CSH YouTube channel here -Pharmacy Susnet : Climate Change as a risk to respiratory health - the greener agenda…
Does anyone know of projects looking at more sustainable prescribing for constipation in children - which medications, what preparations etc?
In addition to the inhaler and liquids to tablets…