Hi all, we are looking to reduce prescriptions of omeprazole suspension (powder for suspension) in paediatric inpatients (+/- outpatients) in Newcastle - major cost savings, but also likely…
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has proposed a project idea for the Health Foundation-funded Q exchange https://q.health.org.uk/get-involved/q-exchange/
Our project is focused on the…
This is related to next Tuesday's network event. A powerful webinar…
Just a reminder that this will go ahead next week.
27 February 2024 12:00 (GMT)
Engaging with ‘less affluent’…
Hi all,
I am looking into creating a project within our dietetic service to increase sustainability of ONS (oral nutritional supplement) prescribing. Wondering is anyone had looked into powder…
The evaluation of iSIMPATHY, a Scottish Government led EU funded cross border project supporting people taking multiple medicines has been released.
The report highlights how the project improved…
See below link- consultation on future of Quality Outcomes Frameworks and Impact and Investment Fund that can have a very significant impact on GP/PCN funding. Open till 7th March. One question stem…
1. The University of Reading – bringing sustainability to education: NET ZERO BY 2030?
The University of Reading has made a 61% reduction in carbon emissions since 2008-09, our baseline…
It's Veganuary! The easiest time of the year to try a vegan diet and see how easy and delicious it is to eat in line with your climate commitments and compassionate values! Join thousands and…
Calling all NHS food, nutrition, and procurement professionals! Sustainability Partnerships are preparing areport on the NHS's progress towards sustainable food procurement.
They are seeking input…