The Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) fellowship scheme has collaborated with the NHS England CAHPO office to create a new part-time fellowship for an AHP, specifically focused on…
Attention professionals in the fields ofnutrition,dietetics, andpharmacy!
We are excited to invite you to participate in a qualitative research study as part of the PhD project on designing a…
Attention professionals in the fields of nutrition, dietetics, and pharmacy!
We are excited to invite you to participate in a qualitative research study as part of the PhD project on designing a…
Please watch and share the following presentation made recently by Dr Jenny Girdler, Leadership Fellow in NetZero/Sustainable Dentistry, at the annual CSH SusQI Showcase event. Details of this case…
Please watch and share this 8 minute presentation delivered by Sarah Williams, home enteral feeding specialist lead, and Laura-Marie Baldwin, Dietician training lead, from Gloucestershire Hospitals…
I’m sharing this Environmental Report as an example of what is achievable at a small-ish health and social care organisation such as Chiltern Music Therapy. The detail will be fairly specific to…
We are seeking new co-leads for the education network. We are aiming to have a group of co-leads representing the MDT and across the UK and Europe. If you are a GP, nurse or AHP with a role in…
I've just attended an RCSLT webinar about the new SLT professional development framework an thought i'd share some bits from it.
This framework contains five core components. One of these core…
Happy Monday everyone! Resharing this invitation for a survey targetting students.
Environmental sustainability for pre-registration AHPprogrammes – STUDENT SURVEY (UK)
A group of academics,…
📣Calling all eco-innovators!
Eco-Disruptive is Bupa's global talent and innovation programme that's a key component ofMission Accelerate, within oursustainability strategy. Bupa employees,…