The CQC Medicines Optimisation Team has secured funding for research to drive innovation and accelerate improvement in medicines sustainability. This project will deliver a suite of products to…
The Green Healthcare Leadership Programme, co-developed and delivered by the Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) and Nuffield Health, and supported by NHS England, is now accepting…
Please watch and share the following short presentation delivered byAngela Hayes, Clinical nurse specialist in palliative and specialist supportive care at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Palliative…
Please have a look at and share the following short presentations, which give examples of the integration of sustainability into nursing education and practice. Also, please do share your work in the…
We are seeking new co-leads for the education network. We are aiming to have a group of co-leads representing the MDT and across the UK and Europe. If you are a GP, nurse or AHP with a role in…
I am a 2nd year adult nursing student, currently on placement within QAPL (Quality Assurance Practice Learning). I am working within sustainability in healthcare, and focusing specifically…
The Nuffield/ Florence Nightingale Foundation Empowering Sustainable Leaders programmeaimed at Senior nurses and midwives is open for applications Empowering Sustainable Leaders - Florence Nightingale…
Please sign and share this letter from the Health Community to the Health Secretary, asking him to support the Climate and Ecology Bill:
Book now for a place on our Sustainable Kidney Care course!
This foundation course explores the bi-directional relationship between health and the environment, with a focus on kidney care.Using…