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Showing 51 - 60 of 200 results

Reusable hat in theatre

Created on
10 Jan 2024
Laura Ballance
Dear all, Any advice would be greatly received! I have been searching for a grant application to apply for / funding application / industry funding to provide all surgical trainees in the…

RCN course on sustainable Nursing

Created on
18 Dec 2023
Hayley Pinto
Nurses are the backbone of the NHS - we cannot achieve NET ZERO without nurses! CSH are delivering training on the RCN sustainability training course. The course runs over 4 months and provides 20…

Recording from Respiratory Care sharing hour 15th Nov 2023 now available

Created on
12 Dec 2023
Jennifer Nixon
At our last Respiratory Care Sustainability Network sharing hour, we heard from Sandra Barber about her work on a Greener Respiratory Care Quality Improvement Programme in primary care sites in…

Sustainability in Hand Therapy

Created on
10 Dec 2023
Pete Vesey
As my 18 month contract with RCOT drew to a close I was pleased to be able to represent RCOT at the British Association of Hand Therapist's annual conference on 6-7th Oct 2023. I was able to promote…

Reducing CO2e waste through implementing remanufactured harmonic scalpels in laparoscopic surgery and replacing disposable surgical gowns with reusable surgical gowns

Created on
28 Nov 2023
Krithea Baker
Project completed as part of the Hampshire Hospitals Green Team Competition 2023. Team members: Laura Vale, Senior Operating Department Practitioner Krithea Baker, Recovery Nurse…

Planet Centred Care - BMJ Podcast Series

Created on
21 Nov 2023
Jennifer Nixon
The BMJ has recently published a 5-episode podcast series titled Planet Centred Care, which covers a range of themes related to sustainable healthcare. These include why sustainable healthcare is…

Opportunity for Practice Staff to take part in a brief 5-minute online survey about how their practice is (or isn’t) taking actions towards a Net Zero NHS.

Created on
15 Nov 2023
Raquel Nunes
Opportunity for Practice Staff in Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, Birmingham and Solihull ICB, and South Yorkshire ICB to take part in a brief 5-minute online survey about how their practice is…

New article: Time to act sustainably: Why can’t we wait any longer?

Created on
11 Nov 2023
Patricia de Oliveira Furukawa
I share with you a recently published article with reflections on the need for health services and professionals implement sustainable actions. I hope you appreciate.

Surgical set rationalisation

Created on
8 Nov 2023
Nicole Fletcher
NHSE working with the Health Innovation North West Coast and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust have developed a reproducible process for hospitals to rationalise surgical sets, reducing carbon intensive…

Greener clinical items

Created on
17 Oct 2023
Carolyn Fleurat
In community services we are constantly disposing of scissors through delivery of treatments such as wound care and other procedures due to infection control policies. Not does this have a huge carbon…