If we (The Healing Trust) are sucessful in our bid to host a garden at RHS Chelsea in May 2024, we’ll need somewhere to re-locate it. Would you like it?
Currently we have jumped the first big…
During a Greener Practice weekend away a group of us set up a WhatsApp group to share ideas and resources about 'Nature and Health'. We have had a few online meetings and plan on continuing them into…
Would you like to plant trees on on near your healthcare site to support health, wellbeing and biodiversity? You may be eligible to apply for theGovernment'sUrban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF),which…
CSH is contributing to the development of an innovative new mapping tool which will help expand urban tree canopy in the UK.
TheTree Equity Scorewill utilise a scientific approach to determine the…
More than 9,000 NHS Forest trees will be going into the ground this planting season, which begins this week. Over 40 healthcare sites across England and Wales will receive trees from us this year.…
At last month's NHS Forest conference, there were a large number of useful organisations, projects, blogs, publications and books that were shared by delegates in the event chat.
We requested, we…
Our November newsletter is now available - you can read it here:https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=807344ae519f8fd3b2f2dd2e4&id=b398d8001a
If you are not yet signed up to our NHS Forest…
A podcast interviewing Dr Finella Craig consultant in Paediatric Palliative Care Medicine at Great Ormond Street.
Green 4 Health: Dr Fin Craig | Green 4 Health with Angela Hayes (podbean.com)
The eb-bbok 'Go Wild! Over 200 Ways to Connect With Nature' by Emily Goss will be free to download on Saturday 22 October (usually 99p) for 24 hours only, and she is keen to promote this to health…