Currently taking this course, online session course. Enhancing my work with Transition Telford.
And its great for anyone with a horticultural…
This week is Great Big Green Week, an event sponsored by the Climate Coalition to recognise local efforts to combat climate change and preserve the environment. We're taking this chance to showcase…
The Climate Coalition’s Great Big Green Week is happening this week.
Today is their #GoodNewsDayand we're pleased to announce that 100,000 trees have already been planted throughout healthcare…
The UK's largest celebration of grassroots efforts to combat climate change and preserve the environment is taking place during the Climate Coalition's Great Big Green Week.
What is the Great Big…
ECEHH are conducting a research study looking at views from your window - particularly relevant to staff and patients in healthcare facilities. Here's the link for more info and how to take…
Dear all SusQI Academy members,
Welcome to the new SusQI Academy network, a space to ask questions, share best practice, ideas, resources, share challenges and engage in discussion!
Healthy Spaces for Work and Study
Webinar -6th June 2023 13:00
The natural environment has been shown to contribute many benefits to physical and mental wellbeing. From the campus pocket parks…
The NHS spends around £2.2 billion per year on agency workers to cover for sick staff. Anxiety, stress and depression are reported to cause a third of all NHS staff absences - the real figure is…