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Showing 61 - 70 of 99 results

UKHACC seminar: recording and slides available

Created on
1 Nov 2022
Kate Crossland
The recent UK Health Alliance on Climate Change webinar, reducing the carbon footprint of end of life care, is now available to watch on the UKHACC website. Highly recommend viewing if you missed…

Sustainable just in case prescribing

Created on
25 Oct 2022
Nicola Bevins
So sorry to have missed the meeting on 19/10. I can see that sustainable just in case prescribing was on the agenda. Would anybody be so kind as to summarise what was discussed? Any thoughts on the…

Meeting details Wed 19th 430pm

Created on
17 Oct 2022
Kate Crossland
Please see the teams link below for our meeting this Wednesday. Agenda for the meeting: 1. Our webinar: event update 2. Carbon footprint anticipatory prescribing 3. Feedback from…

UKHACC event- reducing carbon footprint of EOLC care- Wed 19th Oct @12

Created on
15 Oct 2022
Kate Crossland
The Lancet Commission on the Value of Death argued for a radical reimagining of a better system for death and dying that shifts the focus from prolonging end of life through multiple costly and often…

Next PallCareSusNet meeting Wed 19th October

Created on
28 Sep 2022
Kate Crossland
The next Pallative Care Sustainablitiy Network meeting is on Wednesday 19th October, 430pm. Please do join us! We will be discussing our upcoming webinar, writing about sustainability and hope, the…

Competition- can you write about sustainable healthcare?

Created on
22 Sep 2022
Kate Crossland
The Association for Palliative Medicine (APM) have annouced a writing competition, with the theme 'hope'. Entries are only 800 words long, and you don't have to be an APM member to…

Nomination for Nursing Times award for Climate Work

Created on
8 Sep 2022
Kate Crossland
We are delighted to share that a key member of our network, Angela Hayes, has been short-listed for a Nursing Times Award. The category of the award is 'best social responsibility programme'. This…

Greener Palliative Care event- nearly sold out!

Created on
9 Aug 2022
Kate Crossland
We've had an amazing amount of interest in our first Sustainability in Palliative Care event in November. We've kept places at 50 so we can have an interactive session. We are now keeping a waiting…

URGENT - GMC consultation on changes to GMP guidance - ends 20th July

Created on
14 Jul 2022
Hayley Pinto
The GMC consultation on changes to Good Medical Practice guidelines closes on the 20th July. Please take the time to respond to this.Take part in the Good medical practice consultation - GMC…