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Showing 61 - 63 of 63 results

Climate change and social inequalities

Created on
7 Oct 2021
Kerry Atchison
Hello, and if you’ve just joined Music Susnet, welcome to the group! We will try and keep this page regularly updated with posts that are helpful and relevant to those in the music therapy profession…

Your pension could make a positive difference

Created on
23 Sep 2021
Kerry Atchison
As music therapists, it’s not always clear how we can take steps to combat climate change. One area where we have enormous potential to create positive change is in our pensions (for those of us who…

Welcome to Music Therapy Susnet

Created on
23 Sep 2021
Loïse Conod
Welcome everyone! This is a space to join, exchange ideas, and participate as music therapists in a change to our society, to create a more sustainable world. The question is: “How can I, as a…