The CQC Medicines Optimisation Team has secured funding for research to drive innovation and accelerate improvement in medicines sustainability. This project will deliver a suite of products to…
The BSI Kitemark for minimized risk of antimicrobial resistance has been developed to provide independent third party assurance and demonstrate that antibiotic residue emissions from solid and liquid…
Hi everyone,
We'd love to get your feedback on our carbon footprinting network and how we can improve it to make it more useful and engaging!
If you've got 2 minutes to spare, we'd be really…
We invite you to participate in the concept testing of our CAMA tool, a collaborative effort between Thrive by Design and LYPFT. This interactive mock-up serves as a simplified version designed for…
Spaces left on our September Carbon Footprinting for Healthcare course!
This is a carbon literacy course for health professionals, quality improvement leads, healthcare administrators,…
Quality Prescribing for Respiratory in Scotland consultation document including sustainability…
Is anyone currently running a Pharmacy Green Bag scheme where patients' discharge meds get put in a green bag for them to use to bring meds in on future admissions? Where do you source the green bags…
Dear Network,
Does anyone have the following information please or know of someone who might be able to help access this data (published if possible)?
The average time taken to travel to…
Attention professionals in the fields of nutrition, dietetics, and pharmacy!
We are excited to invite you to participate in a qualitative research study as part of the PhD project on designing a…
We had a really informative Pharmacy SusNet online networking event in July with attendees from England, Ireland, Wales, Portugal and the Netherlands, amongst others. We explored the network and how…