Please have a look and share this presentation made recently bySarah Williams, Home enteral feeding specialist lead, and Laura-Marie Baldwin, Dietician training lead, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS…
We had a really informative Pharmacy SusNet online networking event in July with attendees from England, Ireland, Wales, Portugal and the Netherlands, amongst others. We explored the network and how…
I'm inviting all pharmacy professionals to participate in my survey study exploring nutrition advice and diet-related counselling in the pharmacy practice.
So far, the results show that pharmacy…
"The food system of the future must meet these goals:
• Make us well instead of sick.
• Be resilient enough to withstand global shocks.
• Help to restore nature and halt climate change so…
You are invited to participate in a research study seeking to better understand pharmacists' and pharmacy students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to climate change, environmental issues,…
Has anyone working in pharmacy aseptics services got any examples of sustainability projects that they would be willing to share. And/or any useful resources to signpost to?
The Pharmacy Schools Council UK has officially endorsed the document initiated by Sustainability in Pharmacy Education (SPE) group last week. See attached PDF file for how environmental sustainability…
Hi all,
A reminder that today is Clean Air Day 2023!
Annually, air pollution causes nearly 40,000 UK deaths & sends millions into hospital, creating demand for healthcare, and pertinent to us,…