Have you or a team at your hospital been involved in a sustainability quality improvement project or initiative? Has your hospital championed a change in green surgical care that we can all learn from…
The CSH project proposal: "Medicines Waste in Care Homes: reducing social and environmental impacts" has been shortlisted to the final round of the Health Foundation's Q-exchange programme. We need…
Hello all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but the RCR is holding a (free) sustainability day for any radiotherapy/oncology and imaging professionals. It is on the 18th June in…
Dear Colleagues,
Has anyone come across any publications that evaluate (all of these outcomes) QALYs + environmental assessment + financial costs of any health technologies including…
Hi everyone,
I am currently developing a Green Ward Toolkit designed to serve as an onboarding framework for clinicians and healthcare workers to adopt more sustainable practices within their…
I’m an anaesthetist in Brisbane, Australia. I have been involved in decommissioning nitrous oxide at a major hospital. I’m trying to encourage other hospitals to do the same. With the increased use of…
I was really inspired by the Greener AHP week webinars. I work in an acute mental health unit for working aged adults in the South West. One of our ward gardens is in a bad way, the last raised bed…
The Medical Education Unit at University College Cork in Ireland is currently recruiting a research team to work on a project focused on Sustainable Healthcare Education. These posts are suitable for…
I am a 2ndyear SLT undergraduate and my choice of research project this year is Forest School and the role of the SLT. I am interested in how outdoor therapy could contribute to the sustainability…