The World Congress of Nephrology 2022 is taking place next week in Malaysia and online. The organisers, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), are keen for environmental sustainability to be…
PLEASE SHARE with podiatry and other AHP students - an invitation to AHP Students to take part ina survey collecting views, experience and attitudes of AHP students about environmental…
With virtual meetings on MS Teams being…
Some of our RDUs are not suitable for central acid, and even those that are will require a business case. Meantime we were hoping to achieve carbon and cost savings through reviewing our acid supplies…
Hello, thank you for visiting Podiatry Susnet
This is a new network. We hope that it will develop into an exciting network of clinicians, researchers, educators and students who are interested in…
Anyone out there with a good idea for reducing the carbon footprint of an element of your kidney care service? The Kidney MedTech Competition offers six prizes, worth £30,000, to accelerate research…
Incremental haemodialysis (IHD), in which dialysis dose is adjusted to take into account residual kidney function (RKF) usually by starting dialysis twice rather than thrice weekly, has been…
I'm co-leading the "Action Learning and Education" workstream of the new UKKA Sustainable Kidney Care committee, together with Mark Harber (nephrologist in London). We're looking for a few volunteers…
CSH is excited to announce we have restarted our great work on sustainable kidney care, in partnership with the UK Kidney Association (UKKA) and the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition. Originally named…