Hi everyone. I have a slightly niche question that I've been asked by senior theatre nurses and don't have an answer for.
We are having issues with the supply of disposable canisters. We do have…
Hello all,
The next sharing hour will be held onTuesday 14th December 2021 at 7pm
The theme will be Anaesthetic Gases.
Please follow this link to find out more details, sign up to the event…
We're currently about to embark on refurbishing/changing the layout ofseveral anaesthetic theatres in our trust. This is something I haven't been able to find much literature on but I was…
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the Network and you may have discussed this before but can I ask for peoples' experience with recycling diathermy handpieces, cords and diathermy pads? We use a lot of…
Carbon footprint of single-use &reusable sharps
This open access BMJ article investigates the carbon footprint of converting fromsingle-useto reusable sharps containers in 40 UK NHS trusts.
We are pleased to introduce the team from Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trustwho will be joining theGreen Surgery Conference November 4thas one of the Green Surgery Challenge finalists.
The team…
We are pleased to introduce the team from Wrexham Maelor and Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospitals, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in North Wales, who will be joining theGreen Surgery Conference November…
We are pleased to introduce the team from University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust who will be joining theGreen Surgery Challenge Judging and Awards Ceremony November 4thas one of the…
Hello all,
I'm Jason Gandhi, the current environmentally sustainable anaesthetic fellow.
This is the first informal open sharing hour, happening on the 14th October at 7pm, between members of…
We are pleased to introduce the team from Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust NHS Trust who will be joining the Green Surgery Challenge Judging and Awards Ceremony November 4th as one of the finalists.…