The essence of participatory development can be applied in health and environmental projects to ensure sustainable healthcare through tackling environmental crisis. Mostly, ‘few’ are key players in…
I am interested to know if any healthcare providers have limited the use of chemicals used to maintain their estate? I am based within University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation…
We're delighted to announce that we have launched the new NHS Forest website, showcasing innovative and inspiring green space activity from across our network of healthcare sites.
You cansee the…
This series of recommendations launched by UK climate and health experts (Grantham Institute, Imperial College London, Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,…
CSH is seeking an energetic and effective manager to support our Nature Recovery Rangers and extend the reach of the project. Currently, we have three rangers at NHS sites, with two more due to be…
Good resource on pharmaceutical pollution - public bodies in Scotland working together to reduce pharmaceutical pollution in the environment.
This is an environmental cost that…
I've just joined this network and would like to introduce myself.
I currently work as an Expert by Experience for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT). I am also completing an MA…
We are looking to appoint three freelance team members to support our Tonic Arts and Green Health Programmes.
Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team of arts and green health specialists, you…
This new review shows a positive link between greenspace and blood pressure. Meta-analysis showed a decrease in blood pressure and risk of hypertension in a greater greenspace living…
I would like to introduce myself and reach out to see how many other members are here from north of the border?
As the Greenspace and Health Programme Manager for NHS Lothian I have been…