The Nuffield/ Florence Nightingale Foundation Empowering Sustainable Leaders programmeaimed at Senior nurses and midwives is open for applications Empowering Sustainable Leaders - Florence Nightingale…
In my role as Community Childrens Physiotherapy Respiratory Physiotherapist and green champion for Community Team, there are many ways in which we can make a difference. I have a particular interest…
In my role as Community Childrens Physiotherapy Respiratory Physiotherapist and green champion for Community Team, there are many ways in which we can make a difference. I have a particular interest…
I'm a dietitian, and I'm very interested to learn if any pharmacy professionals in this network, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, are interested in learning more about…
Without much fanfare (yet), we now have a combination steroid + bronchodilator treatment licensed for use as needed in "mild" asthma. No maintenance therapy, just as needed, so it's not MART.
The Planetary Health Report Card (PHRC) is a student-driven initiative seeking to inspire and support planetary health and sustainable healthcare engagement among health professional schools through…
Please sign and share this letter from the Health Community to the Health Secretary, asking him to support the Climate and Ecology Bill:
Each month I'm going to be posting something I've found useful as I learn about sustainable healthcare. This month it's the Climate Clinic podcast - a great resource from the Global Consortium on…
The Respiratory community is committed to delivering the best healthcare for our patients today and in the future. We have some significant challenges to overcome to achieve this: greenhouse gases in…