Register here to join the Green Maternity Challenge Showcase!Be part ofThe Green Maternity Showcase, a celebration of innovative projects from nine teams participating in the Green Maternity…
Transition to reusable med tech - Call for Expressions of InterestThe Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) has been commissioned by the Design for Life team at the Department for Health and Social…
CSH are launching The Green Nursing Challenge - a leadership and engagement programme to support nurses to lead on sustainable healthcare initiatives, and transform nursing care by cutting carbon,…
Worklink Ltd is calling for academic research partners to collaborate on a research call; NIHR: Decarbonisation of the health and social care system. Worklink Ltd is an SME innovator looking to engage…
The mental health charity Mindare developing resources to support those of us feeling the impacts of climate change on our mental health. They are currently conducting a survey where respondents can…
Does anyone have data/examples on the environmental impact of enteral/parenteral nutrition? I am interested in plastic use, any reusable equipment, recycling of plastic bottles, advantages of making…
Hi all, we are currently in the process of decreasing our plastics use and I'm looking for assistance. It has been discussed as to why we are not using tap water for irrigation and flushing instead of…
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is "producing a thematic report detailing the impacts of climate change on mental health in the UK".
There is a call for evidence around solutions/interventions -…
The Planetary Health Report Card is a student-drivenmetric-based tool that aims to evaluate health professional schools on discrete metrics in five main category areas: 1) Curriculum, 2)…